Cleverly enough the creators come up with a way to portray muhammad without actually showing who he was (and in turn "RE-MAKING" him into what they want him to be ). They made him a "BEAR" wearing prophet,with a very shrilly voice.
And now they wont air the episode due to various issues (death threats included).
I think islamic people need to sit back and not be so up tight (learn from buddha..who is shown smoking weed and chillin out ).
So basically the episode tries to find a commonality between the people who are pissed off by others... and by raking they are:
1. Muhammad (who basically cannot tolerate a single world, and only talks of death for those who do ).
2.Hollywood stars ( :)...... )
They are only going to worsen their case by repeatedly interrupting the ingeniously-negative-creativity of SouthPark.
Here are a few stars who know how to handle, and few who dont: