Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My genetic journy (ripoff by natgeo)

It is said, since ancient times, that all brahmins belonging to our subcast are decendants of ancient vedic rishis. These rishis have gotras in their honor. I belong to Gotra of Vatsa (sometimes called Srivatsa).

Now, I had this idea when I saw that natgeo is doing this genographic thing that could trace back my ancestors to a group, defined primarily by some thing called genetic marker. A marker is as they put it, a small mutation that occurs in this case, in the Y chromosome,and because this marker is passed unchanged from a man to his son, its perfect way to form trees such that the person at root is great ancestor of everyone of the leaves.

They lived in between pakistan afganistan border, between rivers of saraswati and sindhu(indus).

Ok, so after shelling out 110$ ,and after waiting for like 3/4 th of a year(ARRGH!) they finally posted my result. So, was it interesting ? Totally. Was it a rip off ? YES TOTALLY.

The thing is, the items that they promise on their webfront ,arent all delivered instead I got only one "online" page, that documented my dna as R1b1 p25(snp present) . And told me that these markers are found in abundance in Western europe and iberian region.I am supposed to be direct decendant of cromagnon.

But what i know : I am direct decendant of great rishis ?

Might it therefore be that cromagnons = great rishis ? [they are btw, always dipicted in coarse clothing and unshaved head tied into a knot, and unshaved beard].

THere is also some classification based on the way they tie the knot, (front,left,right,back).

So, finally I have decided to go further and get classified into one of the possible sub-clads of r1b1.(shelled out another 85$ ).

A quick search reveals that the tribe of Hazara and some people in iran seem to have this varity of r1b1, now I am hoping to be tested as one of them.

If at all, I belong to any other region , then it would for sure mean , that someone got scandalous...damn them whoever that is.

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